Our Course provides the most time efficient study material on the planet
That means no wasting time here.
No long winded 4 hour videos combining multiple subjects that drag on for hours.
We provide short individual videos for every key topic, and to the point step by step example videos explaining everything you need to solve exam questions correctly including all the ways to prevent from getting tricked or confused.
Downloadable reference hand outs are also provided for each chapter containing all the formulas, definitions, and theory to study with and bring with you to the exam.
No hunting through reference books and study material to find the missing piece when solving questions.
Here is an example of our HD course videos:
Provide the highest quality material and content possible
Besides our HD videos, our 100% original diagrams, formula cheat sheets, and step by step examples, we strive to make sure you understand the whys and the hows.
We interview students to find out what areas of each topic are confusing and counter intuitive, then focus on presenting it such as what steps take the longest to understand.
This includes the concepts that create confusion and leads to the wrong answers even though the theory is understood.
We focus on drilling this into you with our video demonstrations, specific quiz examples, and detailed step by step solutions that you will not find anywhere else.
The Electrical PE Exam material is not hard when it is presented by someone who understands it on the most fundamental level and can explain it in ways that “click” and make sense.
Here is an example of one of our course quiz questions with the included solution:
This answer is incorrect
The question is asking for |Ib|. Let’s use a formula that relates current to power and re-write it for breakdown values:
In order to set this equal to I and solve, we will need to solve for the active power P and slip s that will occur at the given torque breakdown of 57.9Nm. This will be the same as the max power given and the breakdown slip.
Let’s solve for P first and use the formula relating active power to torque:
Here Pr stands for active rotor power which was given. We know the power has to occur at synchronous speed since it is the breakdown torque, so let’s re-write for power and solve:
Now that we have power let’s find the breakdown slip sb:
Now that we have both breakdown slip and the power at breakdown torque, let’s finally solve for the breakdown current that this occurs at using the given rotor resistance R2 equals 1 ohm at breakdown slip:
85 Amps is our final answer for the magnitude of breakdown current.
Provide one on one support for the entire journey
I am here to guide you the entire way up to taking the exam.
This is not just a static course for you to complete on your own.
I am available via Email and live skype or google hang out sessions to each and every student enrolled in the course.
Get stuck on a problem? Email me.
Need further clarification in an area that isn’t making total sense? Let me know.
Having trouble solving a sample question from a different review course or book? Send it my way.
Not sure what topics to start on first, or how to identify your stronger vs weaker areas? Let’s set up a custom study plan for you.
Remember, my goal is to prevent you from wasting time so you can pass the Electrical Power PE Exam, get your license, receive your shiny new PE stamp, and get on with your life and your future career.
Here are a few recent examples of real Emails with students enrolled in the course:
This student was helped with basic theory that was holding them back for answering several questions:
This student was helped with understanding the difference between single phase, three phase, and leading vs lagging:
This is an example of the thank you Emails we receive from our students:
This is a real Email reply to an enrolled student showing the level of explanation we go to until you “get it”:
Here is a real example of a question we helped work out for a student:
Their work is in pencil on paper, our corrections are marked up on top of it in red with a graphics tablet and Emailed back several hours later.
This is the level of support you can expect.
The actual student’s response to the above corrected solution: