It’s always an exciting time when the results of the PE exam come out. Many have been eagerly waiting after a tremendous amount of hard work and we could not be more proud of our April 2019 students!. Below are just a handful of the emails we have received shortly after notifications were received that the results of the electrical PE exam were now available.
I definitely need your help. Have failed few times and don’t have motivation to study now. Can you help me to get started again? I really hope I will pass in October exam this year.
Hi Mabel, one of the best places to start especially if you have failed a few times and are looking for the right keys to motivation and tools for success with the PE exam is our three-part video series “How to Pass.”
You can watch it for free here:
After that, I always recommend signing up for our free trial (no credit card required) to help you decide if purchasing our program is the right decision for you.
You can enroll in the free trial with just your email address on the following page:
I took the PE exam in April and failed. Unfortunately I didn’t find Zach’s class until 4 weeks prior to the test. Way too late to try cramming all the material in. I’m enrolled again for the October test and I’m ready!
I’m so glad I enrolled in the online Electrical PE review course 3 months ago. I had the time to go through every module and test my skills with the quizzes at the end of each section and feel confident for my exam next week.